Red Beach

4822 km

Red beach GR

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A huge attraction of the island and arguably the most famous beach lies on the southernmost part of Santorini. It is located in Akrotiri village, 12 kilometers south west of Fira, close to the important archaeological site of Akrotiri where it is advisable that you stop first and admire the excavation. There is a parking space to leave your car or, alternatively, you can take the bus from Fira. To reach the beach you have to walk a couple of minutes on a downhill path or you can access it by boat from Akrotiri port, Kamari or Perissa. A great number of visitors come to Red Beach just to stare and photograph it.

Red Beach is without a doubt worth a visit considering that it is a rare sight, probably unique in the whole world, where red is the dominant color. It is enclosed by steep red hills that create a captivating, wild scenery. If you stand on the top you will set eyes on enormous volcanic rocks situated in the sea, small pebbles and sand of various colors, mainly red, all along the beach and appealing dark blue waters. This wonderful palette of contrasting colors will mesmerize you. Another natural marvel the volcano created.

The beach is semi-organized with white sunbeds and umbrellas. Make sure you provide yourself with the necessary supplies from the two canteens you can find right before the beginning of the path. There are no facilities or water sports on this small beach but you can take pleasure in snorkeling as there are interesting rock formations and rich marine life. Red Beach is naturally sheltered from the wind so it can get quite hot. From there you can go to White Beach by boat, which is another distinguishing beach, and meet small caves for exclusive dives. Don’t miss this incomparable landscape and the images of natural beauty it lavishly offers.